Friday, October 24, 2008

Marks Linda Pastan

I think this poem is very reasonable and true. Sometimes, you just get so caught up with people's critiques and that just puts you in a bad mood. In this poem, the author gets caught up with all the critiques from her family eveyday.In the begining of the poem, her husband starts to critique her cooking and her daugther with that she is just and "OK" mom, and her son that she is just an average mom. I agree with her that people critique too much and really don't see the good part of life. When it comes to critiques, I think that people should really look at the posiive parts first and then look at the critiques and tell them in a nice manner. People need to lear that by criticzing, it just hurts peole more emotionally.

Thief and the Dogs chpt 7- 12

Wow! So many things are happening right in the story. Said is trying to get revenge again with Illish, and it hurting the relationship that he has with Nur. I think that Nur is too nice to Said. All that Said wants to is get revenge, and he doesn't understand that Nur really cares about him and wants the best for him. She also wants him to get away from all this revenge. I don't think that Said is in love with Nur, but I think that he does have feelings for, but her feelings are stronger than the ones that he has for her. I think that he should learn how to control his anger with his revenge and he just forget abotu the revenge, and he should just get a better job to support his daughter.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Clean, Well- Lighted Place- Ernest Hemingway

This story is a very interesting story because it's by an author that is very well known and have read some of his work. This story shows that some of the characters of this story are lonely. The story consits of 3 main characters: the old man, a young waiter and an older waiter. The old man, tends to be an alcholic and tends to keep on drinking before the cafe closes. As time goes by, the younger waiter wants to go home because he has a family and a wife at home, while the older waiter really doesn't have much of a life. He isn't married at all, and doesn't mind it. Later after the young waiter, he went home letting the older waiter not being able to go to sleep.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe

This story I remember very well because I read this in high school. It was a very interesting to me though because Edgar's theme in writing is horror and scary. He wants to kill this old man because he doesn't like the old man's eyes. So ever since he decided that he wants to kill the old man. So when he decided to kill the old man, he started to plot his ideas for killing him. Such as knowing when he should go inside his house and start to plan out what he is going to do. When he is ready to kill the man, he kills him but he feels the guilt of killing him as he " hears" his hearbeat. After the policeman drops by, he starts to enterntaiment the policemen.After he wants the policemen out of the victim's house and he confesses he killed the men.

Lottery By Shirley Jackson

When I read this story, I was in schock on how this " lottery" is. She, the author's theme for this story is very cruel and crude. She first starts out as explaning in a sunny day in the summer time. She describes that this is a very small village in the 1940s. It also explains that this town is very traditional towards this particular town with a ritual they have. Everytime, they get together and pick someone from the family who will get sacrificed by their village. As they get together, a lady who has a family is being picked for the ritual. As she is being picked, she is being hit by rocks by the villagers. When they already know its going to be her, they start to get ready to throw her rocks At the end of the story, she starts to say " it's not fair" to the vilagers, but the villagers keep on hitting her.