Monday, November 3, 2008

Oedipus Rex- Sophocles

This story is very interesting because I think I have read this when I was in high school. I really love this story because it has a lot of mystery and intensity with the fact that he thinks he kills his dad when he was younger. Also, he married his mother and had 4 children with her. His dad, knew that he was going to die because of the famous fortune tellers who tell the future. I think that this is very intense because just how mad Oedipus is with is father. And I also think that Oedipus got carried away with the fact that Creon is also in power and in reign. But at the end of the story, he got what he deserved.

Negro_ Langston Hughes

When I read this story, I was pretty impressed with how proud Hughes is in this poem. He is describing his culture with pride. He wrote this poem in the time of the reneissance of the African American commumity with their literature. Despite whether they are African Americans or another race, it is always good for people to be proud of their heritage. Sometimes, people are ashamed of wheere they are from because they are just ashamed of their culture. But deep inside, people have to be prouc of where they are from, because if they deny where they are from, then basically they are denying themselves.

On My First Son- Ben Johnson

This poem is so beautiful and so sad. In this poem, he talks about his son since his son died. I think a death is always something very hard to go through despite with the person, but it's even harder when it is a child that you raised and watched grow dramatically. I'm guessing the child died at a very young age, at the age of 7 years old. This is very harsh for a parent to know that their child died at a very yung age. I may not be a parent yet, but I still feel the pain of someone who had a kid that passed that died.